
Family Day

Yesterday I got my first official taste of grad school. UMC held “Family Day” for the OT class of 2014. I can not believe I just typed 2014. It feels alien-ish.

My mom and dad came over. And my brother Clint joined in as well! We got to meet our whole class. I think there are about 35 of us. and I think that I am the oldest. ha! We were introduced to the staff and team at UMC that will help us through these next 3 years. We also toured the campus seeing where I will be in class come May. The only thing I kept thinking was, “I can not believe I’ve made a 3 year commitment. WHAT AM I DOING???”. But then it was always followed with, “That’s right, Jennifer…this is what normal people do..they make commitments and keep them.”. Oh yeah. I almost forgot;)

For as studious and Type A as I am, there is a fairly LARGE part of me that is absolutely and totally carefree. That part of me wants to just travel the world, have no schedule, no plan…..not worry about bills, laundry, work, or what day it is.

But, I know I’ve made the right decision. And in 3 years when I am working and making my own money, I CAN travel the world…..and worry less about bills....but I’ll probably still have to do laundry;)

After we finished the family day, my dad came over and hung my pictures on the wall! It sort of made my new place “official” in my mind;) My dad is so awesome….and so is my mom. I hope one day I have a marriage as strong as theirs. And are as unselfish as they are. And that I love my kids as much as they love me and my siblings. I know I’ve said it before, but I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would not be where I am today without them and their support. My success is largely due to them. And there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t thank God for them and ask Him to bless them 10 fold.

Here are some pictures of our lovely Friday together;)

and then today, I worked from 10-7. I packed my own lunch (with about 7 points, I believe)

and I exchanged a dress for this cool shirt.

Man, I’m not going to miss working retail, but I am going to miss the clothes at Anthropologie. None compare.

Time for a little R&R before I hit the books in the morning for Physics.

Goodnight, bloggers.

Goodnight, moon. 

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