
on the not so bright side of things....

Well, something tragic happened Wednesday night….

I had just gotten home from a very long day of school + extra curricular activities and was doing my usual thing when I get home—getting the mail, emptying the coffee pot, watering my flowers, etc…..

I was so elated because I just bought these two ferns from McDades…and I watered them good and proper…

Then I went inside and tied up a very full garbage bag and as I was taking out the trash, I slipped and fell down these steps…

And when I landed at the bottom of the steps, I quickly looked around to see if anyone saw me…and then I tried to pull myself up and hobble back up the stairs on one foot and I limpingly made it to my couch…

Where I promptly burst into tears—not because of the pain (which it was very painful) but because I knew that this would put me out of my normal routine and activities for a little while.

As suspected, it’s a pretty bad sprain. One of the physical therapists at school looked at it yesterday and wrapped it for me….and told me it would be a minimum of 2 weeks before I could begin to put full pressure on it or even think about walking normally.

I looked up at her and said, “but I jog every morning”…

She looked down at me and said, “not anymore you don’t”….


This is now how I’ve been spending the past few days….

In an attempt to be positive I guess I could say it happened so that I’ll be forced to study for the next few weeks because lord knows I have more to study than usual and I haven’t been doing it…so, now…I have no more excuses…there is basically nothing else I can do except study (and watch tv and movies).

At any rate, I hope you enjoy this weekend—and Palm Sunday.

As always,


and all that jazz...

Hello Friends!

It’s been a bit since I’ve blogged. Which means that I’ve been even more busy than usual.

 More busy and less creative—or at least that’s how I feel.

Thank goodness there is only one month left in this semester.

Not much new to report from this blonde Aquarian—it seems like the past few weeks went something like this…

spring break…
getting sick…
getting over being sick…
coming off of steroids and feeling like I had chronic fatigue syndrome for 4 days…
art show…

*realizing that I have more school to do now at the end of the semester and not doing it*

So, yep—I’m now down to crunch time. We have projects due, papers, crafts, presentations and a last round of tests before finals.

I keep looking at my calendar thinking of all the possible arrangements and rearrangements so that I can do both what I need to do and what I want
to do.

 But it’s just not happening.

I always forget how delightfully busy spring time is…there are always at least 3-4 cool events/activities going on over the weekends—there are weddings and graduations and just the change in the weather brings out the party side of people.

I have a recent interest in Mad Men since it premiered it's 5th season this past Sunday. Last week I watched the entire 1st season on Netflix and enjoyed watching the premiere with Lydia and Clint. I must say, they don't make real men like Don Draper anymore. But more on that subject later...(the pictures on this blog were inspired by the ad men of the 60's)

I’ve recently had several people text and call me telling me they miss me on facebook and asking when I’ll return.

and I’ve decided...

I actually don’t know if I’ll return.

My life has been so nice without it. Don’t get me wrong, if you are a close friend of mine, I have missed you too! I’ve missed seeing what books you’re reading, what movies you’re watching, how you feel about certain subjects, and pictures of your kids….

But I don’t miss all the “noise” in my head that facebook, for some reason, brings to me.

I loved reading this recent Huffington post article about facebook...Debunking the Big Gang Theory: Why Facebook and Others Suffer From Being Big

But, if I do return to the biggest social media outlet in all of history…

It won’t be until the end of the semester.

I have more to do in the next month than is mentally possible and so I just don’t have time for more distractions.

Pinterest keeps me plenty of busy during my “down time”..

And I’m thoroughly enjoying reading Tennessee Williams Memoirs (thanks Kayo!)

That’s it for now I suppose.

I hope this spring is treating you with love and kindness and all things full of joy.



random ramblings

  Well, spring break is officially over. I hope you enjoyed your St. Patty’s Weekend…..

I got worse instead of better (like I figured) so on this overcast Monday I find myself home from school with a whopping sinus infection. I am feeling a little better than yesterday but not well enough to venture out.

So I’ve been sleeping, eating, watching tv, sleeping some more…..i was actually really ready to get back in the grind today. Only 6 more weeks of classes for us and then finals. And then we’ll get a 3 week break!

Yesterday I watched My Week With Marilyn which was fantastic. Michelle Williams is truly an excellent actress. I also finally watched Ides of March because who isn’t in love with Ryan Gosling?!

I’m really hoping to find The Descendants today because I’ve been dying to see it.

Tomorrow is the first official day of Spring….even though it looks like we’ll be in the 80’s all week---kind of more like summer than spring (as usual).

I was really looking forward to yoga tonight and getting back on a regular schedule with Pure Barre

Guess I’ll just have to wait a few more days.

I’m really not a good sick patient. I am entirely too active to be doing nothing for 2 days. My back hurts from sleeping so much.

Maybe I should write a gratitude list.

Or eat another pint of ice cream.

Perhaps both.

Happy Monday, Friends!

 both images courtesy of my pinterest


St. Patty's Day 2012

I hope everyone had a spectacular St. Patty’s Day!

We certainly did!

Even being sick did not deter me from attending the parade this year. I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with the Parlor Market crew—being under a tent was infinitely better than being in the sun.

I *might* be paying for this tomorrow seeing as I have bronchitis and have not rested much at all


It was totally worth it.

Wherever you go and whatever you do,
May the luck of *this* Irish girl be always there with you.


spring break 2012

As you can see, I had a fantastic spring break. Being at the beach for a few days was unexpected and wonderful. I enjoyed spending the time with both my brothers.

But I sure did miss this boy! 

I must say though that it’s good to be home. Ready for St. Paddy’s Day adventures all day tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed your week whether it was a fun week or just an ordinary week. 

They really are what you make of them anyway.


monday morning beach blues

Good Morning from Fort Morgan, AL!

It’s raining pretty steadily this morning but I cannot complain. It’s so peaceful and so relaxing to be here and especially since it was so last minute, I have no expectations of getting tan this trip at all.

I loved every minute of the 9 hours of sleep I got last night.

I love not having to study anything for one whole week.

I love that I’ve always been the earliest morning riser at my house—I always get those few extra minutes (or hours) of complete tranquility by myself before the rest of the family stirs.

I love that I get to have this special time with my family—as we are all grown and going in different directions it makes me realize how rare times like these are and how much more precious that makes them.

I’m looking forward to reading KAFKA ON THE SHORE that my sweet neighbor lent me awhile back….

And my mom is positively elated that The Artist is still playing here. I’m looking forward to round 2.

Wherever you find yourself on this Monday, I hope that love and peace and hope reside in your heart.

Happy Monday, everyone!

“"maggie and millie and molly and may"

maggie and millie and molly and may
went down to the beach (to play one day)

and maggie discovered a shell that sang
so sweetly she couldn't remember her troubles,and

millie befriended a stranded star
who's rays five languid fingers were;

and molly was chased by a horrible thing
which raced sideways while blowing bubbles:and

may came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me)
it's always ourselves we find in the sea.”

~e.e cummings


the verdict is in...

...to the beach it is!

This will be the first time my mom, both brothers and I will be taking a trip to the beach in years.

I am very excited about spending time with all of them.

I have had a lot of requests for more “jen-jen videos” lately and I will promise to do my best and bring you a little entertainment from the ocean.

(click here to see our last trip to the beach).

The above statement could not be more true for me. I am very pleased to report that I did make all A’s on my tests last week. Thanks to everyone who was pulling for me and cheering for me and praying for me.

Enjoy this beautiful spring weather!

See you in a week, Jackson!


springing forward...

 ...into spring break, that is.

After what seemed to be a never-ending week with 3 mid-terms back to back and an article review due, we are all very relieved to be in our final hours of school (we get out at 12 today).

Due to the fact that my sister’s wedding has been postponed, my spring break plans have changed and I’m still unsure of exactly where I’m going to be spending my week. But you can be rest assured that wherever I end up, I will be enjoying a break from my routine.

Actually, I have to take care of a few small matters like…

Renewing my license….

Taking care of a ticket I got for putting the sticker on my tag on the wrong side…..(who does that?!)

and a few other little things along those lines.

I’m hoping to make it back to Jackson for St. Paddy’s Day.

I must say that I am super proud of all my classmates for how well they handled the stress of this past week.

It’s hard to believe that when we come back from Spring Break we will only have about another full month until we will become OT2’s!

and I am most excited about springing forward this Sunday to daylight savings time!

Whether you’re on spring break or not next week, I hope you enjoy it to the fullest.

All my love,

picture source here


the straight-A student

I am now going to write about a subject that I’ve been thinking about writing for months now…..the subject being: the straight A student.

I loved this entry I just found while researching this subject on the internet—Beware the straight-A student

This is actually a subject I’ve thought a lot about over the years but its most recently come into play because I have 37 classmates in grad school. And I would wager to bet that a good 25-30 of them are straight A students. I’ve never seen anything like it. Or actually, maybe I never paid attention before. I, of course, grew up grade-less. Being home-schooled we didn’t really use a “grading” system per say. We just learned. And yes, we did take some “tests” as I re-call but I remember never even really knowing if they were graded or what grades even were until I went to college.

In college I still don’t remember grades being discussed a lot. I remember that I always had good grades—A’s and B’s. but I remember the friends I hung out with were elated to be making C’s. a B was a huge deal. In fact, I think at that time in my life, I was making the “good grades”. People used to tell me how smart I was because I had a few A’s on tests or spoke up a lot in class (which they equated to being “smart”). I thought this was bizarre—that you would base a person’s “smartness” on what letter grade they got on a test.

The reason I was baffled was this—a test (especially in our educational system) is nothing more than a regurgitation of the material presented in class. The only thing a test measures is your ability to take the test.

Most tests are multiple choice; most tests require very little thinking skill; most tests are carbon copies of information from your notes that are displayed in a different sentence form.

When I realized that a person’s IQ has little or nothing to do at all with what particular grades a person makes, it completely lost any (which wasn’t much to begin with) merit with me.

I’m a pretty bright girl. I have routinely tested very high on IQ scores. I am also a very social/fun girl and am involved in too many activities to list right now. I have high self-esteem, know which battles to pick, and have healthy relationships with people in my life.

I don’t need an A to prove any of that.

All an A means to me is that I’ve spent hours trying to either memorize my notes or figure out how the professor tests (or both). and after the test, I can’t tell you what that test was about anymore than the man in the moon (I love that expression, by the way).

My self-worth is not determined by my grades.

My intelligence level is not determined by my grades.

My life does not revolve around what grades I make.

I’ve been thinking about this because I’ve felt so much pressure to make good grades since being in grad school. We do have to maintain a 3.0 to stay in the program (which is a B average) but I think one of the main reasons I’ve been so concerned is because my classmates are. Most of them really do have to make A’s. Or they feel like they do. I don’t think they realize that a B or, heaven forbid, a C (gasp) is NOT going to kill them. In fact, it might be good for most of them.

This is one of the reasons I have always vowed to never be a straight A student:
 (I think there are only 2 semesters out of my entire schooling career that I made a 4.0—and they were long ago)

I am not perfect--in any shape or form. I am very human. This is one of the reasons people relate to me so much—for my “human-ness”. I fall a lot. I also get back up a lot. I love being dirty. I love being vulgar. I love challenging the status quo. I am very unconcerned with what others think of me.

To me, the person who *must* make straight A’s is compensating because they have low self-esteem; they are people pleasers; entirely too hard on themselves; caught up in perfectionism; are basing their self-worth and their “smartness” on that A….etc.

New Flash: I’ve known some pretty stupid people who have been straight A-ers.

Now, if you are reading this and you are a straight A student, take heart—I’m in no way saying that there is something wrong with you. Perhaps you are one of the few people that are genuinely bright when it comes to figuring out our education system. Maybe you don’t study a lot—maybe you are more of an auditory learner and can retain everything you hear; maybe you have a photographic memory—the possibilities are endless.

Maybe you make all A’s because you want your parents to be proud of you. Maybe they made you feel “less-than” when you came home as a child with a report card that had one too many B’s on it.

Maybe you make all A’s because you think other people will think you’re smart. Or maybe it’s to convince yourself that you are smart.

And let’s not forget that it is always important to do your best. It’s important to try. It’s important to want to do your best—but hey, in my world, B’s are for BEST.

And let’s also not forget that I’m saying this is an excuse for you to not study for your next test and become apathetic about your grades.

I’m just saying that it’s OKAY to make a B. and a C. and even a D-- unless you are in a program like mine that requires you to make above a certain GPA.

You are human, whether you like it or not.

You’ll make a lot of mistakes.

You’ll do things you always swore to yourself that you’d never do.

You’ll find out you are much more capable than you thought you were.

You’ll realize, one day, that grades don’t really matter.

People do.

Your relationship to your school should be secondary to your relationship to your community.

The community will still be here in 10 years.

Your grades---not so much.

Celebrate your human-ness.

Make a B for cyin’ out loud!

I dare you.

If you are one of the 4.0 people I’m talking about—go out there and make a B. See what happens. I think you’ll be delightfully surprised. And I even think some of that stress in your shoulders will let out a sigh.

It’s good for us when we show that we are human; that we are not God (contrary to popular belief); and that it’s okay not to know the answer.

As for me—I’m enjoying this semester more and here is a picture of my mid-term grades….

And guess what?

I could not be more pleased.

In fact, for me…these are good grades and I intend on celebrating them on Spring Break next week.

In other news, isn’t this weather amazing?

Spring is just about here and my heart and soul could not be more alive.

I snapped this shot this morning after my run. I love daffodils. 


walk the talk

Most kids hear what you say; some kids do what you say; but all kids do what you do.
—Kathleen Casey Theisen

We are role models for many people: our children, our co-workers, other women in the program. Step Twelve encourages us to set good examples for anyone who might be looking on. Living a principled life takes practice, and progress, not perfection, is hoped for.

Abstinence has offered us a new set of tools for shaping our behavior. No longer must we regret what we did yesterday or last week. We are learning to monitor our actions, but even more importantly, we are defining our values. They, in turn, influence what we say and do.

Thoughtful responses to the situations we encounter require conscious attention to those events. We need reminding, perhaps, that our behavior is continuously telling others who we are, what we value, and how we view the people close to us. All of us, consciously or otherwise, imitate behavior patterns of persons we admire. Unfortunately, we sometimes mimic unfavorable behavior, too.

There are those casting their attention our way. The opportunity to model favorable behavior awaits us.

People will follow my lead. I shall walk softly, humbly and lovingly.

(meditation of the day from Each Day a New Beginning)



I love my yoga teacher—I really do. I also love how the universe works and how we learn things exactly when we are supposed to—and not a moment too soon.

Today was not a very good day for me. Well, it started off not so good.

I could tell when I woke up that something was off…it started last night actually. You know that feeling when something isn’t right but you can’t put your finger on it?

I was irritable, restless, and discontent. I started to resent school and the load of this semester. It was so bad that before 7am this morning, I got down on my knees and said a little prayer….i prayed that God would guide and direct my thoughts, actions, and words…. that they would be divorced from self-pity, fear, selfishness, resentment…and that those things would be replaced with more love, patience, tolerance, peace……

And I still didn’t feel any better when I left for school this morning.

I continued to grow more resentful  throughout my day…..i contemplated leaving school several times—for the sake of my classmates. But somehow I made it through the day.

When I got home from school I was still “not right” so I took a second jog for the day and that seemed to clear my mind…and while on my jog, I made the decision to go to yoga tonight instead of studying. I’ve spent the past few days with my head in the books and I really needed to study tonight but I knew my mind needed a break.

When I got to yoga and my teacher started talking about her theme for the class I KNEW I made the right decision.

The theme for tonight’s class was on re-committing ourselves to our path in life. She gave the example that she wanted to recommit herself to her family, her health, and her dharma.

And I instantly knew that I had to recommit myself to the path I’ve chosen.

When I started off this semester I made a pact that I would take better care of myself this semester. I did NOT want a repeat of last semester when I did nothing but study because of the fear of failure. I made a pact that I would nurture the relationships in my life, be more involved in other activities, and find time to enjoy the small stuff.

And I really have honored that commitment….

until the past few weeks… when I got caught up in trying to do everything perfect and feeling like a huge failure in the process.

I am such an extremist that doing a little school and also having a leisure life seems contradictory. I’m usually either ALL school or ALL leisure. And I think I’m finding a balance and I need to be okay with this balance. But instead I feel like I’m not really “acing” school nor am I “acing” my leisure life.

But that’s okay.

I’m learning to do things differently—and that uncomfortable feeling of doing things differently doesn’t mean I have to stop doing it—it means I have to do it until it becomes a way of life—a habit. Learning to be balanced is going to have to become a habit for me…..because it’s something so foreign to my existence.

I re-committed myself tonight on my yoga mat to those things I did at the first of this year---taking care of myself physically, spiritually, and mentally—investing more of my time in the life of my family and friends—and honoring my life by being fully present in all the moments.

When I got out of yoga I had two text messages from friends I haven’t heard from in a while—and one of them I had no clue even had my number…..

I feel I must share them with you…….the first message read:

“Yes, like it or not, you are popular. But, quit beating yourself up and justifying your choices. Look at the beautiful and productive life you are creating. Love and trust yourself to give up any doubt that you somehow are not enough. Every day, we do the best we can and you seem to be doing so awesome that you inspire people and they want to move closer to you. It is a compliment but you my dear friend have the right and responsibility to love yourself enough to respect your limits. Hey and guess what? You are not responsible for any of us. So give up your guilt, it si wasted anyway if it is not serving you. I wish you lots of sleep, good grades, and healthy boundaries. Love always.”

The second message read:

“Hey this is Katie…I just wanted you to know that I saw a girl tonight I thought was you, got way too excited, did some touchdown dancing, and then had to apologize because it was not, in fact, you.”

And then my day (or night) got better.

How cool is that?!?!….that the universe…God….knew that I needed to hear all of that tonight…

It gave me chills just thinking about how things like that work….

I’m doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. I’m exactly where I need to be. I have (as you just bore witness to) the most beautiful people in my life…and when I’m busy being resentful and irritable I forget how awesome my life really is….school and all.

Recommitting myself to the life and path that I have chosen is going to be a daily practice from now on.

(Thanks, Scotta)

Blessings to you, my friends!