
good clean living

Since January 1st, I have made some pretty drastic changes to my lifestyle. I cut out meat and sugar.

“Ouch” you might be thinking.

But in all honesty, I feel amazing.

And people have told me my skin looks amazing.

And I tend to agree;)

What have I been eating?

I’ll tell you.

First, every morning I start off with a Kale Smoothie. I know it sounds gross. But it is simply amazing. I could really drink 2 of these a day they are so good.

The recipe can be found here.

I found this amazing recipe for “Healthy Date Bars” and boy oh boy are they good!

They are a great healthy snack to keep handy.

I also made my own Cilantro Hummus! I might have added a little too much garlic, but hey, it was my first attempt.

I’ve been trying to eat lots of greens. I think greens are where it’s at!
Big salads are always on my menu.

I’ve cut out what little sugar I did put in my coffee in the morning. This has been a big adjustment. But you know what? I’m beginning to get used to it and even like it. My goal is to one day drink it black. I just think there is something so sexy and real about black coffee drinkers. Am I the only one who thinks this?

I’ve replaced desserts and candy with fresh fruit.

I could eat my weight in grapes, strawberries, and mangoes

I cut out soy milk and peanut butter and replaced it with almond milk and almond butter;) I figured I eat enough soy and don’t want to overload on it.

As far as the difference between almond butter and peanut butter, there is much debate. To learn some of the pros and cons of both, click here.

I’ve resumed my regime of running 4-5 miles a day on the trace. It truly is the highlight of my mornings.

And I’ve jumped back in the swing of things at the yoga studio. Boy it feels good to be back after my month and a half hiatus during the month of December.

Over-all I feel SO MUCH BETTER.
I’m sleeping better.

I’m in a better mood.

I’m more motivated.

I feel more alive.

I like myself better.

So there.

It feels good to practice more kindness in my lifestyle by cutting out the meat as well. I must add that.  I know it’s not for everyone, but I can’t tell you how much better I feel inside for not being a meat eater anymore.

If you made New Years resolutions or intentions, are you still keeping them? Or have you already thrown in the towel?

Whatever it is you’re doing or not doing, the only bit of encouragement and/or advice I have is to be kind to yourself. Be kind with your inner dialogue. Be kind and gentle. It will get you a lot farther than being judgmental and negative towards yourself;)

I’ll leave you with this brief passage from Desiderata.

You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

All my blessings on this seemingly dreary Tuesday,


  1. we have restructured our household as well. i can't wait to try the kale smoothie. sounds like something i would love. i am down 17 pounds and in the best shape of my life. seth is down 52. all and all...doing good. :)

  2. way to go Rachel and Seth!! I am so proud of you guys! Can't wait until we are neighbors again! We can run and make Kale smoothies together! hehe;)

  3. After seeing your blog posts pop up on Facebook for a while, I finally clicked on a link. I love it! Your humor, honesty, and joy are fabulous.

    And, I have been making kale smoothies almost every day! Banana, orange, almond milk, 2 TBSP of hemp seed, big handful of kale... Yum yum!!

  4. After seeing your blog posts pop up on Facebook for a while, I finally clicked on a link. I love it! Your humor, honesty, and joy are fabulous.

    And, I have been making kale smoothies almost every day! Banana, orange, almond milk, 2 TBSP of hemp seed, big handful of kale... Yum yum!!


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