
my break (mostly in pictures)

My 3 week break from school has been good. Busy, but really enjoyable.

I really loved staying in Jackson for most of my break—I usually dart out of town as soon as school lets out but I decided to hang around what I now call my “home-town” and get to see all my non-school friends...

We drove up to Dresden, TN to visit my grandmamma for Mother’s Day..

I was very thankful I got to be with my beautiful mom on mother’s day (even though I pitched a fit about not being at the Wilco concert in Jackson)

Our sleeping arrangements were quite funny…..it has been years since we’ve stayed with my grandmamma and all 3 of us piled up in the back room. The boys randomly had on the same pair of boxers they had gotten for Christmas. It was just too good to resist a shot of that…

And yes, the air mattress and I had quite the adventure…..

I also got to spend several days with my aunt kakki and uncle rick in Memphis which was so lovely. Growing up I used to spend weeks with them in the summer...I realized since my Mimi died that I haven't really gotten to spend quality time with them....so, I made a little trip to visit them. Out of the 6 first cousins and 19 second cousins I have in Memphis, I got to see 4 first cousins and 14 second cousins…

Uncle Rick, Amelia (Natalie's youngest) and Aunt Kakki at Amelia's second grade graduation from St. Mary's!

At the yogurt shop—two of Dawn’s and Two of Nat’s! From left to right…Hadden, Amelia, Me, Ruthie, William

My cousin, Hunter, is 32 and he and his beautiful wife, Sarah, have 6 kids…aged 10 and under. They are the most adorable kids you’ve ever seen…I couldn’t quite get all 6 of them to participate in pictures but I did manage to get litte Russ man, Whitt, Lucy Walt, and Ellett (I am missing Darby and Hudson)

Something I never expected to happen did—I took 2 yoga classes with my Uncle Rick! And he’s a total rockstar yogi….I thoroughly enjoyed the classes at Better Bodies Yoga and can’t wait to go back!

Every time I go to Memphis, My aunt takes me to the Dixon Gallery and Gardens….i am in love with that place. The grounds are exceptional and the exhibits are always so amazing. The exhibit that is currently showing is called Modern Dialect: American Paintings from the John andSusan Horseman Collection

My brother, Brian, lives in Memphis and my brother, Clint, drove up to go see Wilco (in Memphis)...yet I had to dart back to Jackson for a wedding so I guess it was not in the cards for me that I see Wilco this tour (that's okay--I'll catch them next time). 

Infact, I should mention how proud I am of my brother (Brian) for working his tail off at being the best financial planner/adviser in the Memphis area! Brian has always been a whiz with money. He’s been trading stocks since he was about 12—So if you are looking into getting your finances on track, please call my brother! He really is the best at what he does…Call him at Shoemaker Financial...

My Aunt has the most beautiful garden ever….she started it about 18 years ago and I have loved watching it change and grow over the years….

She picked this bouquet and put it by my bedside…just for me

The second I got home from Memphis, I threw on a dress and headed to the church....our precious classmate, Anna Robinson (now Harris) got married. She was the most stunning bride I've seen.

 Her ceremony was very special and meaningful and her reception was super fun. I think at one point I had 5 photographers taking pictures of me because I was the first on the dance floor (no surprise there). 

Liza, myself, Sally, and Anna (not pictured) sit together in the back row of several of our classes—we probably have a little too much fun back there…

I dyed my hair red (or had it dyed rather)….yes it was spur of the moment, no it doesn’t mean anything (like a mid-life crisis, etc, etc).



 I have always loved red hair and when my hair dresser, Kate McNeely, suggest I go red--I said, "let's do it!". I'm really enjoying being a red head and if it doesn't fade too fast, I think I"ll stay one for awhile...

Kate really is a badass and I trust her implicitly with my hair...If you don't have an awesome hair stylist in Jackson, you should call her. She works at Social Agenda in Fondren~(601) 982-5575

My new nick name is mermaid princess (given to me by Sally and friends). I suppose I should now change the name of this blog since I’m not longer a “blonde” aquarius.

I watched copious amounts of Breaking Bad and Sherlock season 2...

...so much, infact,that I have a big little crush on both Aaron Paul and 
Benedict Cumberbatch.

I started running again and thankfully (gasp) no injuries to date.

I got a little nostalgic. Went on a few trips down memory lane. 

 And I realized (yet again) that I’m sincerely grateful for every event in my life. Both good and bad.

I chuckled to myself when I thought about how dramatic and chaotic my life was for so long. I remembered things I didn’t exactly want to remember (like how psychotic I was, for example). To think that people tell me how pragmatic and rational I am now is almost too hilarious for words. 

I ran into an old friend a few days ago—it wasn’t long into our conversation before this person looked up with a puzzled expression and said,

 “How did you change your life so fast?”

“First of all,” I said, “It wasn’t that fast.”

“Second of all, I finally figured out that if you quit participating in drama, it goes away”.

It really is as simple as that.


I’ve had a really great 3 weeks and I’m not almost ready to hit the books again….

Our summer schedule doesn’t look that bad…..I think we're doing geriatrics this summer.

It’s weird to think we’re already in our second year…

but of course, what i really enjoyed the past 3 weeks was spending time with friends....


I enjoyed yoga and meals with Julia…she’s moving to Puerto Rico to get her Ph.D in Spanish—we will miss her here dearly when she moves in July…

Maddie and Jason

My kindred spirit--Rachel

My new friend, Adam—who is in India for the summer. Hope you’re having a blast, Adam!

Tricky and Patrick

Dakota and Eric

I can’t wait to meet my niece (Dallas Rae Aycock) in September/Oct! Dakota is the most precious little pregnant thing you ever did see.

Eric and I are the friends that have experienced “real life” (for clarification, message him. Ha!) together—despite our ups and downs and ins and outs, I’m so glad I have him in my life.

And of course no school break would be complete without a trip home.

My dad bought a used ski boat when I was about 10 years old. We named her Ruby Begonia because she was red. Believe it or not, my Dad has kept her up pretty well and after a several year hiatus, she made her return to the water this weekend. The boys and I had a blast tubing and skiing like in the good ole days…

Not only was it Memorial Day Weekend—It was also Irwin’s second birthday. I love that little man so much and it has been the greatest experience in the world to be his aunt and to watch him grow. He is ALL boy. If there's something to kick or punch, he's on it. He also loved all the sugar he got this weekend--courtsey of his aunt;)

Since he is obsessed with Curious George that was the theme of the party. One of Caroline’s friends’ mom (Julie Lee) painted this cute little piece.

And that’s about it, folks.

I hope all of you enjoyed the month of May as much as I did and are ready for summer time, baby...cause it's here. It's already pretty damn hot. Make sure you stay hydrated!

all my love,

Jen Jen

p.s If you go to the beach, please take me with you:)