
random ramblings

  Well, spring break is officially over. I hope you enjoyed your St. Patty’s Weekend…..

I got worse instead of better (like I figured) so on this overcast Monday I find myself home from school with a whopping sinus infection. I am feeling a little better than yesterday but not well enough to venture out.

So I’ve been sleeping, eating, watching tv, sleeping some more…..i was actually really ready to get back in the grind today. Only 6 more weeks of classes for us and then finals. And then we’ll get a 3 week break!

Yesterday I watched My Week With Marilyn which was fantastic. Michelle Williams is truly an excellent actress. I also finally watched Ides of March because who isn’t in love with Ryan Gosling?!

I’m really hoping to find The Descendants today because I’ve been dying to see it.

Tomorrow is the first official day of Spring….even though it looks like we’ll be in the 80’s all week---kind of more like summer than spring (as usual).

I was really looking forward to yoga tonight and getting back on a regular schedule with Pure Barre

Guess I’ll just have to wait a few more days.

I’m really not a good sick patient. I am entirely too active to be doing nothing for 2 days. My back hurts from sleeping so much.

Maybe I should write a gratitude list.

Or eat another pint of ice cream.

Perhaps both.

Happy Monday, Friends!

 both images courtesy of my pinterest

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are feeling better my friend. I've got this sinus mess and it's NO fun! Ready for it to GO AWAY! =) Smile... next week will be better!


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