
2010 in Review

2010 was a big year for me.

January: I turned 28 Jan 21st. My friends threw me a HUGE surprise party. I will always remember that. It was amazing.

March: I moved out of The McCoy House for Sober Living in March. After going through a few roommates, I finally found one that not only has worked out but has become my dearest and bestest friend—Mary Ann Cash.
I can’t tell you enough what a huge blessing she’s been to me. She has put up with all my weird idiosyncrasies with ease and grace. Her patience deserves a gold metal.  I honestly have no idea what I would do without her. MAC, I love you to death and am beyond grateful to God for giving you to me as a roommate and best friend. Thank you for everything and I look forward to many more days and months (hopefully years) together.

May: Both my brothers graduated college! 

 My first nephew was born! 

He has stolen my heart and I cannot explain to you how much my family adores this little boy. 

He is truly my heart. My sister is an amazing mother and I continue to stand in awe of her.

I also decided to go back to school this month! I enrolled in Holmes Community College and commenced on all my perquisites for Occupational Therapy School.

June: I did the Master Cleanse again for 10 days and jump started my summer off right! I did lots of yoga and kicked up my running in high gear during the summer.
I spent a lot of time at the pool during the summer. And loved every minute of it.

I had lots of fun with friends this summer.
Mac and I at the International Ballet Competition.
Jess and I at the Mississippi Museum of Art

Me being silly before the Drive By Truckers Concert

Girls night out at Walkers

Friends at the Art Museum.

July: I finally put down the cancer stick. I have now been 6 months smoke free! and I feel fantastic.
My parents and I at Megan Pennington's wedding this summer

August: Fall semester looked like it was going to be a hard one. I was convinced that there was no way I would do well with all the sciences I was taking.
but as usual, I always manage to have some fun.
My co-workers at Meagan's Art show!

 Mac and I completed our very first Yoga Mala. 108 Sun Salutations

We all had fun at Brittany and Alex's wedding shower!

September: September 8th I celebrated being sober one whole year. I can't tell you how grateful I am for my life and for the program of Alcoholics Anonymous.

 We also threw my mother a surprise 60th birthday party!

October: Halloween was super fun this year

 I also worked my tail off at my schooling. And lo and behold, I ended up with a 4.0!!! I completed my application to UMC for Occupational Therapy and am anxiously awaiting to hear something the first of the 2011.

 My dear friend, Lydia, moved back to Jackson!

I also enjoyed spending a lot of time this year with my oldest best friend, Catherine    Dufour Moore. I've loved living in the same town again with her! Sadly she and her precious family are moving back to Birmingham, AL in the new year.

November: We celebrated Thanksgiving with our only living Grandmother in Dresden, TN.

We tried to take a family shot.

Let's try that one more time.

December: When school got out for the semester, I spent most of my days at Anthro. I honestly enjoyed most of my long days there with my co-workers. Christmas was wonderful for our family. The baby’s first Christmas was sweet.

and of course, my year wouldn't be complete without my bestie, Eric.

Lessons I’ve learned:
1)    I have no control over people, places, or things. Even though I still think I do.
2)    I can do anything I set my mind to. Making an A in Chemistry gave me a lot of my self-confidence back.
3)    I can stay sober though hard things. Even when people don’t act the way I want them to, I can still stay sober.
4)    I have a temper. I never knew this about myself. I hadn’t had one in quite some time….being sober certainly brought a lot of things out about myself.
5)    How I treat myself is directly proportional to how I treat you.
6)    I am entirely too hard on myself. And on others that I’m close to. Just ask my sister.

7)    I am not the center of the universe. I learn this lesson every year though.
8)    I don’t have to tell you my opinion. On everything. I’m sure you don’t really want to know.
9)    I don’t like Mexican food as much as I used to.
10)                      I am addicted to sugar. Like, BIG TIME.

So, as I approach a new year, instead of asking what 2011 is going to bring to me, I’ll tell you what I’m going to bring to 2011.

1)    Acceptance: Practice more acceptance of myself. And of you.
2)    Kindness: kind thoughts and words
3)    Grace: I’m going to practice cutting myself some slack. And you as well. I am not perfect. Neither are you.
4)    Discernment: I’m going to ask God even harder to give me grace to put a space between my thoughts and my words. Meaning, I need to work on keeping my damn mouth closed.
5)    Selflessness: Give more love, tolerance, and patience instead of judgment, intolerance, and cynicism.
6)    Intention: Be even more open to grace.
7)    Goal: Complete at least Anusara’s immersion 1. and possibly 2.
8) Adaptable :  Be more flexible.
9)    Cheerfulness: A good attitude
10)                      Willingness: A teachable spirit.

What are YOU going to bring to 2011?

As always, I look forward to growing more this year and watching you grow as well. I look forward to the adventures that 2011 will surely bring. I look forward to learning more about myself and about you. I look forward to learning how to be a better person, friend, daughter, aunt, lover, and co-worker. I look forward to living life one day at a time. I (in a weird way) look forward to both triumphs and defeats. I look forward to watching my nephew grow and be apart of his life.  But instead of always looking forward, I’ll practice more on looking now. Looking at the moment. Living in the moment. Embracing life each day. Each hour. Each second. Until there are no more breaths to breathe.

Happy New Year, Friends!

(and of course, it wouldn't be a year in review without all the thousands of pictures I took of myself now, would it?!)

“What can be said in New Year rhymes,
That's not been said a thousand times?
The new years come, the old years go,
We know we dream, we dream we know.
We rise up laughing with the light,
We lie down weeping with the night.
We hug the world until it stings,
We curse it then and sigh for wings.
We live, we love, we woo, we wed,
We wreathe our prides, we sheet our dead.
We laugh, we weep, we hope, we fear,
And that's the burden of a year.”
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox


  1. love reading your blog and love you!! Thinking about menu ideas... Kathy

  2. awww..thanks, Kathy! Can't wait for our party! I'm sure it will make for a great blog. LOL

  3. So, Jennifer, I love this post. Your intentions for the new year gave me a lot to think about because I certainly have been pretending I don't need to fix anything about myself but I know I do.......

    Amazing job with keeping clean. I always knew you could do it. And, since I'm pretty sure Taylor isn't reading this -- Taylor has always said that candy was his first addiction. And, the fact that we live across the street from a gas station isn't good for any of his vices.

  4. Laura, thanks so much! and i laughed when i read about the candy because i concur!! You are truly one of my inspirations today and I always look forward to what you post. Happy New Year, Dearman family!

  5. ummm i want a spiritual gangster tee!!! love it! great blog


  6. Thanks, Vlada!! i believe my sister ordered them from http://spiritualgangster.com/api/Index.cfm/cms.page/i/2346/About-Us/

    Thanks for reading!


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