

That’s right, folks. This weekend was a big one for me.
Not only did I turn 29 on Friday.
I helped throw two dear friends an all-around-the-house shower Saturday.
And then my folks came up and celebrated my birthday (again) today (Sunday).

My birthday started off with over 200 notifications on Facebook. I know this seems ridiculous but every year I look forward to reading all the “happy birthdays” on my wall. All. Day. Long.  It’s like being a kid at Christmas again.  Call me conceited but it always makes me feel like the most special and well- remembered person ever (even though I know every friend got a notification TELLING them it was my birthday. Still….it feels so damn good). So, if YOU wrote on my wall for my birthday, THANK YOU;) It made this birthday girl feel very super duper special.

I had the privilege of having lunch at High Noon with two of my favorite people in the whole world…..Seth Pennebaker and Lydia Gamble. And believe it or not, we managed to get through lunch without one single picture being taken. How that happened, I have no idea. But alas, I have no picture of my birthday lunch. that’s okay. It was so wonderful to see Seth again.
And Lydia gave me two amazing presents.
This wind-up toy knight

And this gorgeous orange ring.

And yes, I had my nails painted for my birthday. OPI’s You Don’t Know Jacques has been my favorite for years now.

 My oldest (as in longest) best friend, Catherine Dufour Moore, wrote a BLOG about me that made my day the most specialist ever. Thank you, Cath. You are amazing and I love you. You can check out her amazing blog here.

For my birthday dinner, some of my closest and dearest friends gathered at Spice Avenue and we enjoyed a delightful Indian meal together.
I, of course, had the tofu curry and it was AMAZING. I just love curry.

my sweet brother and me

my beautiful roommate and me

The gorgeous Richard and stunning Sarah

Jess and Mike

Richard, Mac, and Sarah

Me and Angela

Steven and the birthday girl

Hawmi and me

Angela and Eamonn

They brought me out Indian “sweet balls”

I only ate 1. The only bit of sugar I had all weekend.

Saturday evening, a few friends and I threw a shower for two of our dear friends, Carrie and Forrest,  who are getting married in April.

It turned out to be a lovely little party and I enjoyed getting to visit with so many friends that I don’t see all the time.

The punch looked like two boobs. Unintentionally of course;)

 The Handsome groom

 The gorgeous bride to be and her lover—Dixie
 mother-in-law to be, bride, and her mother
 my mother and my other mother
 Gifts galore

Jess and Mike

 Denise, Todd, and Betsy
 Me and my mama
 My Pops and Virden

 Me and Liz
 My silly roommate and Dixie

And I think the cute couple got some good gifts to kick off their new life together.

Carrie and Forrest, I wish you all the happiness in the world!

Moving right along to Sunday........

We kicked Sunday off right with a little church;)

And then a delicious lunch at Char.

Lydia, Moi, and Mac 

 Lydia and myself
 Me and Mac
 Clint and I

My birthday happies

my favorite present by far…because I AM a Mississippi Girl
My amazing parents and I 

I am blessed beyond belief with the two most amazing parents in the whole-wide world. I honestly can’t even begin to describe how amazing my parents are and how much they mean to me. They are my heroes. They not only gave me life but have saved my life numerous times. Without them, I would not be where I am today. Mom and Pop, I love you more than life itself and I hope one day to be just like you.

You know, I think I’m really going to enjoy my 29th year of life. If this weekend was any indication of how my year is going to be, then it’s going to be amazing.

God has been overly good to me.
I continue to stand amazed at all the goodness and love that keeps being poured on me.
Thank you friends, for making my birthday weekend so special. Thank you for your endless love and support.

With deep love and gratitude,

P.S Check out my new header for my blog! Thank you, Cath! I love it! 


  1. AWESOME! love it! the pics are beautiful

  2. Sounds like you had one amazing birthday weekend. And I must say, 29 never looked better! Hope you have a wonderful first full week of being a year older!

  3. Thank you, ladies! and Joy, you are too kind;) happy monday to you both!


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