
Week in Review

I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday again.

Whew. What a whirl-wind of a week!

I’ll pick up where I left off from my previous post (if you missed the last post, click here).

After failing my Physics test and the mini-meltdown that occurred after that, I knew exactly what I needed.

My family.

Fortunately for me, my family had scheduled a weekend trip to Tennessee to be with my grandmother on her 88th birthday (My dad’s mom).  So, I jumped in my truck and headed to Memphis!

I had the most amazing time with my family. The only person missing was Clint. He had to stay and study. But it is very rare that all of us are ever together at one time. This time, we got pretty dang close.

Our “vacation” started off with a family trip to Whole Foods. I don’t think anybody loves Whole Foods more than the Nanneys do!

by the way, have i mentioned how much i adore my nephew?!?!

We all enjoyed a family lunch at Panera Bread.

We then all loaded up into our family’s suburban (that is 15 years old, by the way) and headed to Jackson, TN to our hotel. All of us children (including the baby) stayed in 1 room. It was just like old times.

We drove over to Dresden where my grandmother lives and got to visit with her before heading out to eat with the majority of the Nanney family in Martin, TN.

After eating, we went back to my grandmother’s house and ate cake and watched her open her gifts.

My grandmother is so precious. She is so patient, gentle, kind, and loving. My dad reminds me so much of her. She always has a smile on her face. always.

It was such a lovely time. I am SO glad that I got to go and be with my family.

I even got to spend an extra day in Memphis with my youngest brother, Brian. It was so good to spend quality time with him. I honestly can't remember the last time just he and I got to hang out.

Of course, the biggest high light for me was getting to spend 3 days with my nephew. Words can not express how much this little fella means to me. He’s growing so quickly. Already crawling and attempting to walk.  

Upon returning to Jackson, I hit the ground running. Monday was a full day of school and then yesterday I had my interview for OT school. I must say that it went better than I expected. I will hear in 3-4 weeks whether I get in or not. The results are now out of my hands and I actually have a lot of serenity about the entire situation.

I also signed a lease yesterday in Belhaven. I will be returning to my favorite neighborhood very soon.

So much change in the past week.

So much to process.

So much to be grateful for.

I am blessed.


  1. I don't think that baby gets any love from his family. ;) wink wink he is precious. my favorite part of the post (sorry granny nanney)

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! BTW - I can't wait to see the new place!!


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