

Today is my baby sister’s 22nd Birthday.

To even type that feels strange……22??????????????

I remember the day she was born. Vividly.

Actually, I remember before she was born. And I prayed every night for God to send me a little sister.

About a year later, I got my wish.

Caroline Elizabeth Nanney was born.

Since she is the baby, she got lots of love from the 3 of us. I remember going to see her for the first time in the hospital and we all had to wear masks because the three of us (me, Clint, and Brian) had just gotten over a bad case of the Chicken Pox!!!

Caroline was a feisty little baby. She had a strawberry blonde curl on the top of her head—much like Cindy Loo Hoo.

As she grew, her little personality came out more and for her entire childhood, she was such a tom-boy!

She once made the front page of the paper holding a recycling bin and walking barefoot down the street.

She hated to wear dresses; she hated to have her hair brushed. She would have MUCH preferred to live outside if she could.

She loved horsing around with her brothers. Not so much with her girly sister;)

As she continued to grow, I watched her change from a child to a teenager who became obsessed with fashion! She went from a tom-boy to a model over night!

I remember when she grew taller than me. Not cool as the oldest;)

Caroline has always been exceptionally strong-willed. She knows what she wants and watch out, cause she’s gonna get it.

Caroline has always known how to behave—in public, in social situations…..she had the maturity of an adult early on.

As I’ve watched her grow and change over the past 22 years—now a mama to her own little one, a lot of her has changed, but a lot has stayed the same.

She’s still my baby sister but she’s also now a strong woman; A courageous and brave woman; compassionate, kind, and thoughtful.

I am so grateful to you, baby sister. You’ve taught me a lot about life. You’ve enhanced my life in ways you’ll never know. You bring so much joy to us all.

You are my heart.

Happy Birthday, baby girl! I pray that this year will be the best one yet! I look forward to another 22 years of being your big sister;)

I love you!


  1. Jenn-this is one of the most kind and thoughtful posts I've ever read! Caroline is so blessed to have you as her supportive and loving big sister!

  2. Thank you sweet girl! I will miss your face! I look forward to your next blog entry..hint hint!!;)

  3. Happy birthday sweet Caroline! Hope it's been a wonderful day of celebrating!

  4. I'm gonna miss you too, but you'll have to come back to visit! Oh, and I will blog as soon as something interesting or exciting happens in my life! ha!


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