

I've been thinking a lot about the concept of Karma.

I think because so many people were speaking of revenge. Revenge for Caylee Anthony as her mother was found not guilty in a trial which left the world dismayed and outraged (again) at our Justice system.

And then a friend of mine was telling me this brutal story of a loved one who was deeply betrayed by her lover. Abandoned, betrayed, rejected…this beautiful girl left shattered because the illusion of another lover looked better.

And then of course, I got to thinking about people who had caused me personal pain in the past….lovers, friends, false-friends, bosses, co-workers, sisters, brothers….

And then I thought about myself. And all the pain, harm, suffering, and wrong doing that I caused others.

Karma, boys and girls, is a bitch, as they say. But she is also gentle and wise and has a way of making things make sense if we but give her time to work her magic.

The law of Karma states:

Whatever you do to others - will be done to you, in this or any future incarnation of your soul.

Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind . . . what we sow is what we reap. And when we choose actions that bring happiness and success to others, the fruit of our karma is happiness and success.

And when we choose actions that harm and hurt others, the fruit of our karma is pain and suffering.

I must say that on a very personal level, I have seen Karma work in every instance in my life.

The boyfriend that caused the most harm?
He suffered (at the hands of the universe) more than I would have ever wished for him too.

The boss that treated her employee’s wrong?
She’s suffering right now as I type this.

The friend that stabbed me in my back and betrayed me?
She’s suffering right now too. She hates herself. And her decisions show it.

Now, these things took a lot of time to pass before I saw them. Some of this Karmic law took 10 years before it came to pass. But it always comes.

And don’t think I’m excluded. I’m not.

Trust me.

I’m suffered for the poor decisions I’ve made; for all the people I’ve hurt; for all the pain my actions caused others. And most everyone witnessed publicly my shame and humiliation.

And I have no doubt that I will continue to suffer for painful and negative choices…I’m certainly not perfect. But today, I try and keep the law of Karma at the forefront of my life. I try to remember that what I’m saying and doing in this exact moment, really does matter. It's shaping my future. It's shaping my soul… right as I type this.

To all of my friends who are reading this right now……please take note---Your hurt and pain have not gone unnoticed. The harshness of the world and the people in it are not getting away with their vicious and malicious acts against you.

Justice is at work…and at hand everyday. We just can’t always see it with our eyes.

But I have an unwavering faith in a power much greater than myself. In a power much greater than all the harm and pain and suffering that is going on in the world and in your life.

Don't forget that you are worthy just because you exist.

You are a child of God.

And Justice/revenge is not ours for the taking.

The BEST revenge is to live well; to live your life to the fullest; to forgive; to not harden your heart; to remain open and allow love to channel through you.

I’m not mourning for Caylee Anthony today. I mean, I am, but I’m not worried. Karma’s got this. God’s got this. Her persecutors will not get away with what they did even though it looks like that right now. They are suffering inside more than you could ever possibly imagine.

I’m not mourning over the loss of the boyfriend who betrayed me and left me for another woman. Karma’s got this. God’s got this. He will suffer more than I could possibly wish upon him. Maybe not right this second, but he will.

Please understand that I’m not saying I actually wish harm on these people. I actually don’t anymore. But I just know, sure as I know my own name, that they will suffer because they caused so much suffering to others.

(If you think I’m talking about you, chances are 99.5% I’m not.)

What’s the point of this ridiculously long blog?

To Love more; To Trust more; To live more fully and more freely; To treat others with respect and honor; but mainly, just to love more.

Think about it.

What does your Karma look like?

You’re shaping your future right this very moment.

Make it count.

People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become.  And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead.  ~Edith Wharton


  1. you have taught me to be myself...to be proud...to love...to laugh...all by your example. at leadt from the way you treated me...karma will be your friend.

  2. that means more to me than you'll ever know. you have taught me the same. and your Karma should be the best ever!! I love you dear friend.

  3. Great thoughts for the day!!

    Lucy is out hopping. Come on by when you get a chance (I'm really a blonde Aquarius too!) Closer to Lucy


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