
naked as a jail bird.....

This past week has gone by in a fog. A dreadful fog that I thought would never disappear.

This was one of those weeks when you KNOW you’re in grad school because you’re exhausted, you never feel confident about the information, you can never study enough, you don’t sleep, you eat like crap and you look like crap.


That was me this past week.

We had our first anatomy lab practical and exam back to back. Aside from being in class for up to 6 hours a day, I spent at least an extra 4-6 hours a day studying. (and i feel terrible about the exam we just took. i seriously hope i did better than i feel like i did.) 

(only some spoiled & ridiculous child would complain about studying 12 hour days. I realize this is the norm for some of the world..but not for this girl).

I didn’t jog or do yoga once this week. I slept a few hours a night, got up and went straight to my kitchen table to study, then straight to school, then straight home to study.

I ate nothing but pretzel m&m’s and keifers all week.

My neck has a crick in it. My carpal tunnel on my right wrist is acting up again (because I have to re-write my notes over and over). I predict by the middle of October I’ll be back in my splint. (don’t you think, dad?)

I both feel and look really ugly right now.

I’ve gained at least 5 pounds this past week.

My whole life I've been told that people envy me for various reasons...i can assure you that NO one envied me this past week;) 

All I want to do is sleep. (which is a sign that my spirit is not in alignment with my body).

The only thing that made me smile this week was the season premiere of Modern Family 

and this picture of my nephew.

Thank goodness it’s over……this week.

I certainly hope your week looked a lot differently than mine did.

By the way, we are officially now in a new season.

Happy Fall!

 p.s  but no matter how rough a week it is, i do believe this to be true.....


  1. Dearest Jennifer, The next time you feel like crap, just stand in front of a mirror and smile. I can't imagine anyone not being cheered up by that beautiful smile of yours!

  2. Next week WILL be better Jenn! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with having m&ms and keifers all week! And I do mean NOTHING!! =)

    I saw the picture of little Irwin earlier this week on FB and literally laughed out loud!! He is precious and so lucky to have you as an aunt!

    Now, do yourself a favor and enter my giveaway. I think they will go great in your new place!!!

  3. Joy, i thought about what you wrote this morning when i woke up and it gave me so much comfort. thank you for taking the time to comment yesterday! you're right. there is NOTHING wrong with m&m's and keifers. in face, i might eat them again today!!!!

    Love you!


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