
giving thanks

What a wonderful time of the year! This will be the first year in 3 years that I haven’t worked retail during the holidays and let me just tell you that I’m ecstatic! I have been able to fully enjoy my week long break by being with my family and re-visiting dear friends. It has been such a joyous week and I think it’s only right that I express my gratitude and thankfulness.

In no specific order, I am thankful…..

...for the sacrifice my parents made and continue to make each and every day. They are our biggest cheer-leaders and more importantly, they are my best friends. The relationship that I have with my parents is priceless. You would have never in a million years told me that this would happen.

...to be back in school and headed towards a wonderful career. I really do love OT school and I’m especially thankful for all of my classmates! Such gems.

...for my sweet homey apartment. It’s really been my favorite place to live thus far….my little pink palace.

...for all my friends both past and present. I’ve reconnected with a lot of old friends this past week and I really did tear up when I thought about each and every one and all the many adventures we’ve shared in this life together. I am so blessed.

...for this stage in my life. Even though I am not married, do not have any children, nor is any of that in my immediate future, I have never been as content and fulfilled as I have this past year. there really is so much to be said for truly being comfortable in your own skin; for knowing who you are; and the acceptance that comes along with that.

...for grace. and it’s continual out-pouring in my life every day. I don’t ever want to take that for granted.

...for community and being more specific, my community, my kula.

...that I’m not in control. That was a big job when I thought that I was. I’m glad that’s off my shoulders now;)

...for the ability to see and admit when I am wrong; for perspective.

...for frozen yogurt. Especially Berry Berry Good in Flowood.

...for the writing opportunities that have opened up because of this blog—I’ve been asked to write two articles for different publications within the past month. i am truly honored. although in no way do i consider myself a "writer", it does feel good when people tell you that they like the "voice" you've found.

...for the ability to start life over each morning when I wake up.

...for my nephew and the joy he’s brought to my family.

...for the ability to let things go.

 ...for High Noon Cafe's carrot cake.

...for yoga and the joy that it’s brought to my life. And for all my yoga teachers both past and present.

...for both the highs and the lows of life. Without the bitter, I wouldn’t know the sweet.

...for my past and the lessons I’ve learned and continue to learn.

...for good books, music, and conversation.

...for the ability to think outside the box.

...for dancing.

...for early morning runs on the reservoir.

...for art in all its many forms.

...for new seasons and all that accompanies each one.

...for the ability to laugh at myself.

...for the sweet peace and freedom I’ve known for a little over two years now.

I could on and on…..

Gratitude is an expression of the heart, a cure-all for resentments and self-pity
~Chris Timmins

With much joy and thankfulness in my heart,

When our ability to love is greater than our need to be right, we exist in a dynamic place of peace ~Unknown

1 comment:

  1. You make me feel good reading this list. I am thankful that you are happy!


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