
Thankful Thursdays

After reading my friend, Joy Henson’s Blog, I decided that this would also be a good thing for me to do. Thankful Thursdays.

I used to write down 5 things I was thankful for every night before I went to bed. I haven’t done that in a long time but I remember that it always made me keep perspective.

Before I begin with my list, let me tell you something. I have been a little twerp lately.  I know that I am extremely stressed. And I am extremely tired. But that is no excuse for my behavior or my attitude (or lack thereof).

When I start taking things personally or calling people really horrific names, I know it’s time to stop and do a little inventory to see what’s going on. Because one thing I DO know for a fact is that when I’m upset or angry or hurt, it’s because there’s a problem with me. Not you.

I’m sorry that my game has been less than stellar the past week.

Mr. Stranger that told me I couldn’t park in the Cups parking lot, I’m sorry I called you a really really bad name to your face. and although I was in the wrong, you were still a douche (just to be clear).

I’ve dropped the F bomb approximately 6,3948 times today.

I had to take a “mental health” day and so I’m skipping my afternoon class to reflect and write this.

In all honesty, I’m lying on the couch watching re-runs of Grey’s Anatomy.

But anyway, here is my list for this Thursday.

1.     I am very thankful for the ability to admit when I’m wrong. Awareness is the first step.
2.     I’m thankful that my second set of anatomy tests are over. As of 11am today. And I feel much better about this one than I did about the last. i'm also double thankful because our teacher gave us tomorrow off! no lab for me tomorrow morning!
3.     I’m thankful for the awesome new space heater my mom gave me. It makes my den so nice and warm. Otherwise, my apartment has been called the “coldest apartment” in Jackson by the previous renters.
4.     I’m thankful that I can start my day over at any time. I don’t’ have to wait 24 hours, I can do it now.
5.     I’m thankful that I haven’t killed my ferns yet. Although I fear their time is coming to an end.

That’s all.

I’ll write more next Thursday.

What are you Thankful for?


  1. Awww yay!! I'm glad you are doing this, too! And #5 — I think mine are on their last leg. These past cooler nights have taken a toll on them. #4 — AMEN to that!! #3 — mom's have special powers to make life better! #2 — enjoy sleeping late!! #1 — I had to admit I was wrong on Tuesday and I about vomited from this. However, I feel much better now! LOL LOVE your list! LOVE you!!

  2. haha! i know. admitting that you're wrong often gives me the feeling of vomiting. it's gotten a little better. not much. love you! can't wait to see your list next week!


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