hello dear friends,
If this week is any indication of how this year is going to be….hold on tight and buckle your seat belts—it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
Ever since I got back to Jackson on Monday, my phone has been ringing off the hook. A lot of friends who want to catch up, a lot of business related calls, and several calls from friends of mine who are really having a hard time.
The saying is proving true—when it rains, it pours.
My heart goes out to all my friends—near and far—who are suffering.
Who are hurting. Who feel betrayed. angry. confused. frustrated. lost.
You know, when life is good—I always seem to forget the bad. And when it’s bad, I always forget the good. Strange how that works.
I love what my friend always tells me:
The good part is that you won’t feel this way forever.
The bad part is that you won’t feel this way forever.
The only thing we really can rely on is change. Yet it’s usually something we resist with all our might.
What is it that you’re holding on to that is preventing you from living your life?
What’s the one thing you tell yourself, “When this occurs, my life will be perfect.”?
The quote below describes the way I thought for most of my life:
So stop waiting until you finish school,
until you go back to school,
until you lose ten pounds,
until you gain ten pounds,
until you have kids,
until your kids leave the house,
until you start work,
until you retire,
until you get married,
until you get divorced,
until Friday night,
until Sunday morning,
until you get a new car or home,
until your car or home is paid off,
until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter,
until you are off welfare,
until the first or fifteenth,
until your song comes on,
until you've had a drink,
until you've sobered up,
until you die,
until you are born again
to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy...
until you go back to school,
until you lose ten pounds,
until you gain ten pounds,
until you have kids,
until your kids leave the house,
until you start work,
until you retire,
until you get married,
until you get divorced,
until Friday night,
until Sunday morning,
until you get a new car or home,
until your car or home is paid off,
until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter,
until you are off welfare,
until the first or fifteenth,
until your song comes on,
until you've had a drink,
until you've sobered up,
until you die,
until you are born again
to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy...
Author Unknown
Now it’s time to take action—be an active participant in your life. Today IS your life—not tomorrow and not yesterday. Love the ones your with. Forgive the ones that hurt you. Instead of a smirk, give a smile.
For those of you who are hurting—scared—lonely—depressed,
You won’t feel this way forever. Hold on tight until the miracle happens. Because it will happen. It’s just a matter of time and perspective.
For those of you who are having the time of your life—who are happy, joyful, and free,
You won’t feel this way forever either. But enjoy it while it’s good. Don’t take one joyful minute for granted. Because pain is destined to come again.
I feel so fortunate to be on this path with you.
A few years ago, I came to the realization that I am the only person who will always be with me. It doesn’t matter who I date, marry, how many children I have, my family, my friends—all of them are subject to change (leave) at any time. It’s just part of life.
And I remember when I accepted it as a part of life, I looked into the mirror and said,
“Here’s looking at you, kid”.
Wishing sweet peace to each and everyone of you,
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