


It is with great joy and much relief

to let you know

that I was accepted today into the Masters of Occupational Therapy Program.

I will begin grad school May 31st, 2011.

One day soon, I will be an:

This would not have been possible without some very important people:

My Parents—who continue to encourage and support me with unconditional love.

A friend and former love-interest—Brad. Without your encouragement I doubt I would have even attempted such a feat as early in my recovery as I did.

To my wonderful sponsor and second Mother—Libby. I would not be who I am today without you. I am eternally grateful I have you in my life!

To my brothers—Clint and Brian. and my Sister—Caroline and precious Nephew---Irwin.

To my many WONDERFUL friends who are really too many to name…but here goes—Cathy, Lydia, Eric, Mac, Jessica, Denise, Vasch, Tara, Scotta, Rachel, Richard, Hawmi, Sarah, Leslie, Malcolm, Bill, Cleve, Kelly, Chris and if I left your name out, forgive me. I’m a bit tired. Big day.

I am very excited about this new chapter in my life.

I believe that

 I am filled with SO much

In other news, I’ve gotten moved into my new place (well, mostly moved in) and it already feels like home.

 Come visit! 


  1. JEN! OMG! I'm so happy for you, I could just scream! Except I won't b/c I might wake the babies. ha ha! But, the next time I see you, you can bet we'll scream TOGETHER and jump up and down hugging! AHHHHHH! I knew you would get in! So glad that big and great things are happening for you. Can't believe you're going to be an OT chick. That is too crazy! love you, sug! xoxo

  2. Thank you, Sug! Couldn't have done it without you! Can't wait to see you again! Love you!

  3. Whoop whoop!!! Way to go JEN!!! I knew you could do it... failure? I THINK NOT! Love you and so happy for you!!! BTW - love the new pictures of the new place!!


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