
even in pain, life races on.....

This has been one of the longest weeks yet. 

It’s been one of the more painful weeks as well.

Last Sunday, I lost a very dear friend of mine. He was a very special friend and our connection was, at first, because of our mutual problem. Like myself, he also suffered from the disease of addiction. Our friendship grew and for the last year and a half, there hasn’t been a day that my phone didn’t go off with a text from him.

We laughed together. Had lots of inside jokes. We gossiped about how crazy our friends were. He was the first person to let me know about anything important happening in our community. He cared deeply and was so compassionate towards others.

He was dry witted and quirky (much like myself). He was always joking around. He always made people feel good about themselves.

He was quiet in the aspect that he didn’t let a lot of people in. from the outside, you really wouldn’t know the suffering that went on in his soul.

We spent over 4 months together this past winter and spring raising money for Relay for Life. He was the most dedicated and passionate member of our team. He stayed at relay the entire 12 hours. I will never forget that night.

I had no idea how much pain my friend must have been in.

I just had no idea.

He will be missed by so many.

I know without a shadow of a doubt that he loved me.

I just hope he knew how much I loved him.

The only comfort I have had this week is in the knowing that he is now at peace. He is no longer suffering.

I love you very much, P.J. I can’t wait to see you again someday. Until then, look out for me. You know how much trouble I can get into;)

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to a new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." 
— Flavia Weedn

On a much smaller and comparably insignificant note, I finished my first semester of Occupational Therapy School. I honestly can not believe how fast that flew by. 1 down, 8 more to go;)

I am very much looking forward to my week long break. I’m headed to the beach to soak in the sun and play in the sand.

On August 15th, we will go back to school, for what I understand will be, the hardest semester in our 3 years at UMC. I will be in school most days from 9-4. I have already prepared myself mentally for the fact that I will virtually have no social life. This is okay. It’s only 4 months of my life.

So, I’ll see you all in December!!!......... I mean, next week;)


  1. sug! this post just made me cry. i had no idea. i'm sorry. please call me when you feel like talking. love you! and praying for you.

  2. sug, i'm going to call you tomorrow on my way to meridian. i love you!

  3. I am glad you honored him in your blog, Nanney. I was in a meeting yesterday with someone who described their friendship as close, and then began to talk about how selfish he was and dishonored him. I wanted to tell her to shut the f up, but tried to practice our principles in all my affairs. I loved my time with PJ, but it was far too short. I hope you enjoy your time in the sun, and good luck with the rest of school.


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