
bikinis and guns--go team!

I always forget how quickly the last few months of Winter fly by. And for whatever reason, I seem to stay infinitely more busy in the first 6 months of the year, than the last. 

There’s something to be said about SAD (season affective disorder). I just come more alive when the weather begins to warm up and the days get increasingly longer.

Anyway—I have a new philosophy for this semester and so far, it seems to be working out alright.

The new philosophy is to study less and stress less.

(That way, i'll have more time to be bikini clad and ready to fire my guns???!!!)

That sounds contradictory I know, but it really isn't.

See, I always end up doing well in my classes. No matter how many quizzes or tests I fail in the beginning, I always come out with at least a B and more often than not, an A.

And after the hell I put myself through last semester (remember when I was doing nothing but studying Anatomy?! I do!) I made a pact with myself during the first week of school to just chill the freak out.

As a result, my schedule as grown increasingly full. Full of things that I want to do. Full of things that I love doing and that I enjoy.

For the past 3 weeks, I’ve enjoyed jogging in the mornings and alternating between Yoga and Pure Barre in the evenings. I’ve also managed to keep regular lunch and dinner dates with people in my life.

I’ve decided that while I might need to look at certain subjects (like Neuroanatomy) a little during the week, I am going to get my studying in during the weekends. And no, it’s not fun. But that way it frees up my time during the week to work out, hang out, and chill out.

Life is too short to worry about making A’s when it’s perfectly fine to make B’s (and even a C here and there, I might add).

During the month of February I have birthday parties galore.

In March, there are several wedding showers and a bachelorette party I’m in charge of because (YIKES) my sister is getting married in April!

All in all, I love my new plan. I just hope my new plan loves me.

Speaking of love...

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about how vital it is to let the important people in our lives know that they are important to us.

There are so many people in my life that mean the world to me and yet I’m often “too busy” to make a quick phone call or schedule a little coffee or lunch date to let them know that they matter to me; That they are important to me.

I’ve vowed to start letting more people know.

I love studying love languages (as do most women, I’m sure).

My expressive love language is gift giving. I show my love for you by thinking about things you like and giving it in the form of a gift.

My receiving love language is quality time. If you want to tell me you love me, make time for me.

It’s really simple but I notice that more often than not, people miscommunicate because they don’t understand how they give and receive love nor do they understand how their partner gives and receives love.

It’s a very important concept and I hope you’ll take the time to just sit back and think about your love language.

 How do you give love? How do you receive love?

I think this has been plenty from me this evening.

Happy First day of February!

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