
3 years

3 years ago today I moved to Jackson, MS.

I had no idea what I was doing or where I was really going but I knew I had to do something different because I absolutely hated myself and my life. 

 I think it’s safe to say that this is no longer the case. 

Slowly but surely I started to care again—and I found new meaning and purpose to my life.

 I wouldn’t change anything from my past—I really am so grateful to all the people that have journeyed with me on this path...both past and present. 

I hope the way I live my life shows, more than my words, what I’m all about.

Over the past 3 years I've learned how to be almost 100% comfortable in my own skin—I care about others enough that I try to live my life in a way that causes the least amount of harm (yes, I still eat meat).

In the past 3 years, I found the life I always wanted to live.

I’m more happy than I ever imagined I would be.

I would say out of all the things I've learned, the most life-changing lessons have been these:

1) Never make assumptions
2) Don't take things personally

 I’ve also realized that my mindset has the power to determine what happens.

 If I’m determined that a situation is bad—then it’s going to be bad. If I’ve predetermined something is going to be hard or painful or negative—then it usually is.

We attract into our lives that which we expect.

Today I expect good things---for me and for all my family and friends.

I am eternally grateful.

But for the grace of god...


To read more about my journey click here and here

*I can’t thank you all enough for continually pouring your love on me. Thank you for all the calls, texts, lunches, dinners, and flowers I’ve received to commemorate my special day—but most of all, thank you for being my friend. My world is so full of so many amazing people that when I really sit and think about it, it always brings tears to my eyes.

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